Charles Edward Caplife
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On october 19 2007 : Meeting at Médiathèque George Sand of Palaiseau

Friday 19 October 2007, from 6 PM to 10 PM, during the one-week manifestations on the theme Haïti, une histoire la France, l'ARCHE(1) in association with PAFHA(2), La voie de l'Humanité and Librairie Anibwe, with the help of Ville de Palaiseau, is organizing a conference on Haitian literature entitled : Le réalisme merveilleux et ses influences.
Literacy critic and writer Guy Cétoute will ask Caplife some questions on L'Ile Rebelle and Messe en Apnée Majeure. Questions from the public are also welcome.

Address :
Médiathèque George Sand
5, place de la Victoire
91120 Palaiseau
Tél. : 01 69 31 78 25
Train : RER B (Station Palaiseau)
By road: from Paris, Porte d'Orléans, A6 highway and take the Palaiseau exit, follow Palaiseau-Centre then take "rue de Paris" downway to "place de la Victoire (place du marché)".

(1) - ARCHE : Association Religieuse et Culturelle des Haïtiens à l'Extérieur (humanitary association).
(2) - PAFHA : Plate-forme d'Associations Franco-Haïtiennes.

Founds collected will be used to build a schoolhouse, in the context of project « Education, a passport for the future », and to support the microcredit (microloans) project aming at helping families unabled to afford sending their children to school.
Founds collected will also be allocated to the third part of projet « Education, a passport for the future », consisting of building a farmhouse at Duplessis, a village located at 25 kilometres from Port-au-Prince.

On September 22nd 2007 : Meeting at Anibwe Bookstore

Saturday 22 september 2007, at 6:30 PM, Anibwe Bookstore will interview Caplife around his books L'Ile Rebelle and Messe en Apnée Majeure. The meeting will proceed with a debate around those books.

Program :
- Dr Antoine Fritz Pierre : « Links between the two novels of Charles Edward Caplife »
- Pr Yves Chemla of Paris IV University : « The place of Caplife's work in Haitian literature »
- Questions to Caplife

Address :
52, rue Greneta
75002 Paris
Tél. : 01 45 08 48 33
Metro : Etienne Marcel, Réaumur-Sébastopol

December 18th, 2004 : As a guest at Glimpse on Haiti

On December 18th, 2004, from 11 AM to 7 PM, the City Hall of Suresnes is organizing a « Book signing day of the Haitian Writers ». This event is related to the exhibition Ti Coup d'œil sou Haïti (Glimpse on Haiti) (paintings, sculptures, photos, literature), held to honor Haiti celebrating the bicentennial of its independence (1804-2004). Many Haitian authors are invited, including the poet Jean Métellus, to name one of the most famous of them.

Charles Edward Caplife will be present for his novel L'Ile Rebelle (The Rebellious Island).

Address :
Salle des Fêtes - Cour d'Honneur de l'Hôtel de Ville
2, rue Carnot
92150 Suresnes

November 20th, 2004 : Book Signing of L'Ile Rebelle I (The Rebellious Island I)

On November 20th, 2004, from 3 PM to 7 PM, at the bookstore Librairie Toussaint Louverture.
Address :
29 rue Claude Tillier
75012 Paris, France
Tel.: 01 43 38 34 13
Metro: Reuilly Diderot

November 14th, 2004 : radio presentation of L'Ile Rebelle (The Rebellious Island)

On November 14th, 2004, Caplife will be the guest of Kòn Lanbi, a broadcast on:
Radio Fréquence Paris Plurielle
FM 106.3 MHz

Kòn Lanbi is broadcasted every Sunday from 5 PM to 6 PM (French time). As the name suggests it, this program targets the gathering of the Haitian community of France. It echoes the breaking news on Haitian economics and politics, without forgetting culture: paintings, music, etc. The Haitian literacy will be on focus this 14 November.

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